Must be 18 years of age or younger as of June 1st, 2025 or graduating high school senior.
Must be a Strongsville resident
Must not live in a development with its own SSL team (Contact your association if you are unsure)
Must be able to swim freestyle (front crawl) and backstroke across the lap pool unassisted
2025 FEES
Rec Center Members: $180
Non-Members: $210
* Families receive a $10 discount for each additional child on a team
*Fees include a Champs Shirt and team swim cap.
Checks must be made out to the City of Strongsville. If paying by credit card, your registration form must include card type, card number, expiration date, V number, and your name as it appears on the card. We accept MasterCard, Visa, or Discover. NO American Express.
2025 REGISTRATION FORMS (Will be posted 1/31/25)
2025 Sea Monkey Informational Letter
2025 Sea Monkey Swimmer Registration Form
2025 SSL Consent/Release & SSL Code of Conduct Form
SWIMMER REGISTRATION, CONSENT/RELEASE, and CODE OF CONDUCT forms (downloads above) must be filled out and turned in with your payment to the REC front desk. Please be sure to fill forms out completely! For liability and insurance reasons, swimmers will not be allowed to participate at practice or meet until we have this completed paperwork (Even if you’ve paid!).
Sea Monkey practices take place every weekday starting at the end of May. Swimmers are divided into practice groups based on their age (as of June 1st) and gender. Visit the PRACTICES page for more information, and the EVENTS CALENDAR page for 2025 practice schedule (posted April 1).
Each group practices for 1 hour each day. Either in the mornings or evenings.
Practice start times for each group can be found under 2025 Season Information > Practice tab.
Swimmers should arrive on the pool deck ready to swim at least 5 minutes prior to their group’s start time.
Boys should wear fitted practice swimsuit (called jammers)
Girls should wear fitted one-piece swimsuits (No bikinis, loose-fitting suits, or stylish suits with unnecessary strings, etc.)
Bring a spare pair of goggles just in case!
Girls SHOULD wear a swim cap to keep hair out of their face.
Please encourage swimmers to use the restroom before practice.
*Swimmers are to practice with their designated groups. If there is a conflict with your child’s group practice time please talk to us or e-mail us.
Black filing folders also know as our family mailboxes for each family will be out on the pool deck every day during practice. This is how we distribute papers to you guys (fliers, award ribbons, order forms, etc.). Have your swimmers check their mailbox every day WITH DRY HANDS!
Our Swim meets take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the season.
Home meets are at the Strongsville REC – Away meets are at the opposing team’s pool.
Swim meet dates and times can be found on the 2025 Season Calendar (updated by 3/1) or clicking here for the full list.
Arrive by 4:45 pm to all meets. We have a big team and it is important for us to make sure everyone is here. You will also want to allow your children enough time to check which events they are swimming. Both teams get in the pool to warm up before the meet starts.
If your child is in a relay they must stay for it. A missing swimmer in the relay results in the relay team dropping out of the event or the coaches rushing around to find a replacement swimmer. If there is an emergency let us know so we can figure things out ahead of time.
Parents must have all their required volunteer positions filled in order for their swimmers to swim at meets.
*To view our Meet schedule click here. To get directions/an address visit the EVENTS CALENDAR page or view addresses here.
Warm clothes (Gets chilly outside occasionally)
Team swimsuit OR solid black swimsuit
Swim cap
Snacks and drinks (or money for concession stand)
Extra goggles
Activities to do between events (Swimmers often bring card games, tablets, simple things to do)
Registration is done online each week prior to meets. A weekly e-mail will be sent out with a link you can follow to sign your swimmers up. If we do not receive your registration for a meet by its due date (Typically Mondays or Wednesdays by 10:30 am), we will assume you are not coming and your child will not be entered into any events. Please sign up for all meets whether your swimmers can attend or not. The form includes a box to check off if you cannot be there. If your swimmer is registered to be at a meet and something comes up, simply submit a second registration and check off the box indicating you cannot attend. Registrations are time stamped and we will go by the most recent submission.
Each family is required to support their swimmers by volunteering at 3 regular-season events and at least 1 shift at the SSL Championship Meet. Swimmers’ families must complete their volunteer work in order for swimmers to be eligible at meets.
Sign up for Volunteering Today!
The SSL 2025 Championship meet will be held on Saturday, July 19, 2025. Volunteer positions will be posted later in the season. When to report for warm-ups will be shared later in the season as well. Typically warm-up times begin at 8am with the meet starting at 930am. After cleaning up our team area and parts of the Rec Center we are usually done before 4pm.
Team Suits and Team Apparel can be ordered through Sue at the Spirit Shop located inside the recreation center lobby. You may wear a solid black or green non-tech suit available from Swim Outlet.